12 Jan WEBSITE—together growing fruitful disciples
Here's a great framework for thinking about discipleship, both personally and corporately. An initiative of the General Conference. All the best for the Journey! Gavin...
Here's a great framework for thinking about discipleship, both personally and corporately. An initiative of the General Conference. All the best for the Journey! Gavin...
A couple of months ago, IVP published The Kingdom Life: A Practical Theology of Discipleship and Spiritual Formation (2010). This book provides a summary of 10 main concepts behind spiritual formation, with each chapter written by one of the leading thinkers in this field, including...
Discipleship is not intended to be a private or individual affair. It is meant to be done together...
What are the important things for new believers to learn? In the video clip below, Dallas Willard suggests what spiritual disciplines to teach at the beginning of their journey to set the right direction. Best wishes for the Journey, Gavin....
If you are interested in discipling young people, this video gives an interesting overview of their world-view and provides a link to another website where you can get more resources. All the best for the Journey, Gavin ...
Soul Searching: The Religious and Spiritual Lives of American Teenagers (April 2009), by Christian Smith and Melina Lundquist Denton maybe a book you will want to have a look at. This book will be followed up with Souls In Transition: The Religious and Spiritual Lives...
Henry Scougal (1650-1678) wrote a book entitled, The Life of God in the Soul of Man, and it was reading this book that brought about a deep conversion in George Whitefield. At the beginning, Scougal defines religion and those that practice it as follows: They know by...
Why do we talk about the importance of a healthy lifestyle? Because we are "bought with a price"? But is it only about honouring God--important though that is? As Adventists we are proud to say that our diet enables us to live much longer than...
In today's Daily Telegraph, Jonathan Liew reports on some research at the University of Montreal on porn. As I posted about some time ago, I think such findings have serious implications for parents and poses challenges for the discipling of our church members. By Jonathan Liew Researchers were...
Recently at Andrews University, we had a visit from the leading Christian writer and speaker on sexual addiction, Mark Laaser. Before his visit, I had no idea how pervasive sexual addictions are, not only within culture, but within the Christian community. If sexual addiction is as...