About Me & reflectingJesus
ReflectingJesus provides free practical tools I have written to encourage individuals and churches in the life of discipleship to Jesus—a discipleship that is intended inspire a deep yearning in people’s hearts to reflect the beauty and glory of Jesus. I believe this is not simply the task of your life now, but a longing that is designed by God to stretch into the eons of eternity.
Currently, I am studying a PhD focusing on education and discipleship at Andrews University and am the President of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Iceland.
All the best for the journey!

Don’t be shy—get in touch!
Books & Curriculum
- Chapter 3, “The Father”, in Fresh Faith, Review and Herald (2001)
- Adult Sabbath School lesson The Refiner’s Fire (4th Quarter, 2007)
- The Refiner’s Fire, Review & Herald (2007)
- Communion with God: A Guide for Daily Devotions (Self published 2015, view here)
- One Ambition: A Practical Introduction to Life with God (Self published 2015, view here)
- Marriage is God’s Idea (Adventist Review, January 13, 2000)
- What Happens when Leaders Pray (Adventist Review, November 13, 2003)
- What Happens when Leaders Don’t Pray (Adventist Review, May 13, 2004)
- The Embattled Leader (Adventist Review, June 9, 2005)
- Learning Dependence on God (Adventist Review, 2006)
- Re-Formation in Iceland (Adventist World, December 2007)
- Surviving the Storms (Adventist Review, February, 2008)
- Learning Dependence on God—Again (Adventist Review, July 2008)
- Sabotaged Plans and Shattered Dreams (Adventist Review, September, 2009)
- Building Bridges: a teacher and a pastor dialogue (Adventist Journal of Education, Summer 2012)
- Transformational Communities and the Mission of the Remnant, (Ministry Magazine, February 2016)
- Transforming Mission, Sermon for the General Conference Week of Prayer (Forthcoming 2016, Monday)
Other discipleship writing
- reflectingJesus discipleship curriculum. Thoughts from this curriculum are used as a basis for the Trans-European Division Kids In Discipleship Teen Edition
- Discipleship module for the General Conference Youth department Ambassadors curriculum (Fall 2013)
- Paper for General Conference Summit on Discipleship: Participating in a compelling purpose: discipleship’s connection to the eschatological mission and identity of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (November 18-20, 2013)
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