The Holy Spirit works through your mind and heart to teach you about the mind and heart of Jesus. He can draw your mind and heart into communion with Jesus using your imagination.
When writing about Jesus giving the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7, Ellen White encourages,
Let us in imagination go back to that scene, and, as we sit with the disciples on the mountainside, enter into the thoughts and feelings that filled their hearts. (Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing, 1)
The reason why God uses your imagination in Bible study is simple. By
understanding what the words of Jesus meant to those who heard them, we may discern in them a new vividness and beauty, and may also gather for ourselves their deeper lessons. (Ibid.)
Again, in the book, Desire of Ages, Ellen White encourages the following,
It would be well for us to spend a thoughtful hour each day in contemplation of the life of Christ. We should take it point by point, and let the imagination grasp each scene… (83)
Using your imagination to think about the Bible enables the Holy Spirit to guide your heart and mind into the thoughts and feelings of people living thousands of years ago. This work of the Holy Spirit brings insight and enables us to experience the awe of the truth which God placed into the hearts and minds of those biblical characters so many years ago.
Here is an example of how you might use your imagination to explore what God was doing in the story of Zacchaeus.
Imagine you are Zacchaeus:
Or, imagine you are Jesus:
Or, imagine you are someone in the crowd:
When you have finished the story, you may like to consider a couple of general application questions:
Use your Bible Study journal to record what you have learned. You can use this method of study with any of the Bible stories. The stories in the Gospels and Acts are a good place to start. You may also write prayers in response to what God is teaching you.