Sermon Notes
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Sermon notes

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 Ímynd Guðs og frumkvöðlar Aðventista

Endurreisa mynd Guð lykiltexti — Rómverjabréfið 8.29

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 Ímynd Guðs og frumkvöðlar Aðventista

Baráttan um ímynd Guðs Rómverjabréfið 8.29 og 2 Korintubréf 3.18; 4.4

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 Ímynd Guðs og frumkvöðlar Aðventista

Að gera hið ósýnilega sýnilegt. Kólossubréfið 1.15


Áform Jesú um að frelsa heiminn Að endurskilgreina skilning okkar á kalli Jesú til að fylgja honum.  Key text: Matt 4:19.

22 October 2016

Jesus’ Plan to Save the World In this sermon we look at Jesus’ definition of discipleship, how we have misunderstood it, and how getting back to Jesus’ definition could change everything. Key text: Matthew 4:19.

20 August 2016

Revealing God’s Splendour: God’s vision for a Spirit-anointed church In this sermon we will look at the purpose of God to reveal His own glory and how He does this. Key text: Isaiah 61.

30 July 2016


Responding to God’s Call In this sermon we will look at how Elisha responded to the call to take over the ministry of Elijah. Key text: 1 Kings 19:19-21

9 July 2016

The Image of God & the Adventist Pioneers

4—The Image of God, the Seal of God & the Sabbath In the last of four sermons on the image of God, we look at why and how the Sabbath is considered the seal of God and how this relates to the image of God. Understanding this helps us grow in our certainty of salvation. This series is illustrated with theological insights from the early Adventist pioneers. Key text: Revelation 7:3-4.

25 June 2016

The Image of God & the Adventist Pioneers

3—Restoring the image of God In the third of four sermons on the image of God, we will look at six critical components that are essential for restoring the image of God. This series will be illustrated with theological insights from the early Adventist pioneers. Key texts: Romans 8:29.

18 June 2016

St Albans baby dedication

The Call to Leave Babylon In this sermon we will consider the final call to leave Babylon in Revelation 18, and how the call to leave Babylon is actually a call to “come in”—into a community devoted to restoring the image of God. I would suggest that being part of such a transformational community provides the greatest meaning for life we can find. Key texts: Zechariah 2:6-7; Revelation 18:4.

11 June 2016

The Image of God & the Adventist Pioneers

2—Battle over the image of God In the second of four sermons on the image of God, we will look at how the image of God is at the heart of the great battle between God and Satan. This series will be illustrated with theological insights from the early Adventist pioneers. Key texts: Romans 8:29, 2 Corinthians 3:18;4:4.

4 June 2016

The Image of God & the Adventist Pioneers

1—Making the invisible God visible In the first of four sermons on the image of God, we will consider how Jesus is the image of God and how that image is intended to make the invisible God visible for all to see. This series will be illustrated with theological insights from the early Adventist pioneers. Key text: Colossians 1:15

21 May 2016

Why God delays answering

Why God delays answering A supernatural reason for God delaying the answer to your prayers. Key text: Daniel 10.

14 May 2016

Baptismal Service

I have not turned my back on you How God responds when we rebel against Him. Key text: Jeremiah 29:1-14.

7 May 2016

Resting in God’s Providence—Jacob’s Journey

3—When God picks a fight The third sermon in a series on Jacob. After God calls Jacob to leave his uncle Laban and return home, Jacob encounters a mysterious person in the middle of the night who starts wrestling with him. It’s God. But why would God come down from Heaven to fight with someone? Key text: Genesis 32-33.

30 April 2016

Resting in God’s Providence—Jacob’s Journey

2—I didn’t realise The second sermon in a series on Jacob. This sermon, looks at Jacob’s escape from Esau and his sense of abandonment by God—only to be reminded in a dream that in spite of his deceit and unfaithfulness, God was still with him. This was a truth he would need as he experienced the darkness of living for years under his uncle’s deceit and manipulation. Key texts: Genesis 27:41-31:55.

16 April 2016

Resting in God’s Providence—Jacob’s Journey

1—What needless pain I bear The first sermon in a series on Jacob. In this sermon, we are looking at how to respond when the Providence of God seems to lead us into places that we don’t like, and we try and play amateur providences. Key texts: Genesis 25:19-28:9, Romans 9:8, 16 & Hebrews 12:16.

2 April 2016


“Behold the Lamb”—5 responses to the revelation of Jesus This sermon looks at the how we will be impacted by encountering Jesus and His mission to take away our sin. Key text: John 1:29

12 March 2016


OUTLOOK—Keeping an optimistic outlook in a pessimistic world. This sermon looks at how the health of our outlook on life, an outlook shaped by our thoughts and feelings, is governed by the quality of our faith. Key texts: Proverbs 3:5-7 & Proverbs 4:23.